Individual Presentation Guidelines
-Write up a brief two-pager, max, on your research for an interactive art piece / art pieces / genres. HINT: If you have no idea what to look for, start with Rachel Greene's book and follow up on two or three of the myriad examples she gives. Also, feel free to look at the critical mapping work that we looked at last semester if you are really interested in it.
-Post this write up on your blog BEFORE your present in class. How do you know it's two pages if your posting it on your blog? Do it in Word or some other text editor first, then copy and past it as a post on your blog. Please follow general guidelines for citation and essay format. I'll allow you to do bullet points, though, if you choose. If you do bullet points, you must still structure it like an essay, as per outline below. You are HIGHLY encouraged to use appropriate theoretical material from the course.
-Also post the website log that you used conduct your research on your blog. This can be appended to the two pager or can be a separate post. If its a separate post, please provide the link to it at the end of your main two-page document.
-Give a 10 minute presentation, max, on your research
Presentation Outline
1) Introduction
-What interactive artwork(s)/genre(s) did you pick?
-What is the art form?
-Why did you pick this interactive art piece (brief)
-Why do you feel it is important to research this for your group project? Put another way, why did this/these artwork(s) interest you?
2) Brief examples of your artworks and examples of your references.
-Show us the art pieces and discuss them.
-How are they interactive?
-What aspect of interactivity do you think best suites analyzing these interactive artworks/genres? E.g., as creator-creation-viewer, as creator-creation-creator, as process using the Internet or technology as an interactive "canvass" in the process of creation?
-How are they art?
-What has been researched by other scholars looking at similar art pieces/genres?
-Additional question that would score you big points: How does this interactive art implicate the viewer? The creator? Art in general? Might this interactive art/genre alter/add to the various definitions of art that we've talked about thus far?
3) Conclusion: In light of what you've presented...
-What would you propose to focus on in your group research?
-What questions need to be further researched by your group that you'd like to further explore based on your own initial research?
-How would you propose that your group go about doing the research?
-Optional: How might you present it using a website?
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