Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tutorial this week HAS BEEN CHANGED

Regarding this week's tutorial: As I told those that were there last week, I have to make an emergency trip out of town this weekend and must leave on Friday. I had told you that we would be having the tutorial on Friday morning at 8:30 instead of our regular time and those of you that were there last Friday graciously agreed (thanks for your flexibility, guys!)

Well, I wasn't able to book a flight when I thought I would without having it cost me a month's salary! So, I'll be leaving early Friday morning, which means that we won't be having tutorial on Friday this week.

Although I know it's a holiday, I'll be holding an extraordinary tutorial this Thursday at 4:30 - 5:30 for those of you that can make it or want to make it. Attendance is optional. It'll be a question and answer session and we can talk more about the readings, lectures, and art and technology.