Welcome to HUMA 1650's Friday tutorial's blog
Check back here often for updates I might add from time to time and especially check here before each tutorial to confirm where it'll be held, either in VH 3017, TEL 2027, or sometimes even somewhere else like the library or Calumet's computer lab).
Be thinking about your blogs and check out the software you'd like to use. I'd suggest blogger.com, it's the simplest to set up and use. There are others, though, so if you want to get more creative you can certainly do so. Remember that you'll need a common area on your blog to link to your colleagues' blogs. This class blog will serve as the main collective tutorial "blogroll". I'll explain all of this to you in tomorrow's tutorial.
We'll be holding next week's tutorial at the computer lab, TEL 2037, and we'll make sure you're all set up with your blogs. Please make sure you all have Acadlab accounts and yorku.ca emails. To find out how to do this, go to: www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/cs.htm, then click on "My Online Services", and then click on "Manage my Computing Accounts". If you haven't set up your Passport York account, you'll have to do this first before you can activate your computing accounts. You can do this at www.yorku.ca/yorkweb/currentstudents/ppystudents.html or by clicking the "New Students Sign Up Here" button when you try to access Passport York. Once you're in "Manage my Computing Accounts" you have to make sure that you activate the following accounts to be able to use the lab at TEL 2037: Acadlabs - PC/MAC Labs | Electronic Mail | Passport YORK | Web Page .
You do this by clicking on the "Activate New Services" in the "Manage New Service" page until the above four accounts have a green tick in front of them.
OK, back to the blog discussion: As an example for what we have in mind for your blogs (although it doesn't have to be this complex), here's my regular blog where I document my ongoing research for my PhD on workers' control in Argentina: www.vieta.ca/thoughts . Here's where you can get set yourself up with a blogger account: www.blogger.com/start .
Here are some useful lists comparing various blog software solutions, although, like I said, I suggest you stick to blogger unless you're really into the blogging thing: www.ojr.org/ojr/images/blog_software_comparison.cfm | radio.weblogs.com/0107846/stories/2002/10/03/blogSoftware.html | www.asymptomatic.net/blogbreakdown.htm .
See you all tomorrow.

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